Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Armike comments on CM Punk's Promo and His Dilemma

Armike Menethil regrets that CM Punk’s promo on last Monday was best choices over his career..But fortunately, The Prince of Death got dilemma problems last Monday as well by too much information and mentions..

He comments on CM Punk’s Promo and His Dilemma his Twitter:

Universe, @cmpunk has made the best promo on RAW last Monday but i got dilemma happenings… - as Armike

Seriously, dilemma is hard to explain for me… It’s okay. i did not do things wrong to him.. last Monday was amazing night. - as Armike

Just he know what happens about everybody’s and his future especially Universe’s future..

Posted by J.M.P   

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Twin Magic..

Sometimes when person’s comes around(comes around). In WWE. Bella Twins are so-called “Twin Sisters in WWE”. Brie and Nikki Bella are twins in this company and it’s same each other but different attitude even use their Twin Magic to make some referees foolish eventually win the matches in their careers.. That’s reality

But in K-ON! series, The Hirasawa Sisters are look alike their faces but Yui’s hair is short brown blonde with hair clip on front right side and Ui’s hair is short brown blonde like Yui’s but she using hairband everyday. In this belief, Yui personalize her sister’s hair to describe herself.. Is that a “TwiN Magic???

Actually it’s a twin magic but Yui’s tie ribbon is blue and Ui’s tie ribbon is red.. Now is something called Twins and a Magic.. Now THat’s Awesome

Posted by J.M.P

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Money Can't Buy Awesomeness??

The Miz is the Awesome One and John Michael is God of Awesome.. To all Team Awesome is getting awesomer than we taught.. Two weeks later, John Michael decides the announced to make all the world called Awesome of the World.. This fan  base was the future of The Miz and John Michael.. Now That’s Awesome..

Posted by J.M.P

Friday, June 17, 2011

All-Star Reaction..

Last Monday… Armike Menethil’s reaction was very good react but not so erupt especially from the crowd because of R-Truth. However, It’s has most biggest pop reaction is Stone Cold Steve Austin on All-Star Night RAW..

Here the The Prince of Death commented on Twitter last Tuesday:

Universe, make my reaction last night on WWE All-Star Night… - as Armike

It’s very good night but unfortunate. Why? because of R-Truth attacked Hornswoggle and again he attacked Morrison at backstage. - as Armike

And last but not least R-Truth distract John Cena so Cm Punk to take advantage for win.after the 
match he assault Cena -as Armike

After the vicious assault.. R-Truth snatch WWE Title and rise the championship in both arm so he will ready for CP - as Armike

What will happen at Capitol Punishment?? Find OUT!!

Posted by J.M.P

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Don't Wanna Be Yourself

"I Don’t Want To Be” by Gavin Degraw is now also part of Dreams & Changes album. This songs was opening theme of The CW’s original show One Tree Hill and he remember the song since he sang it 4 years ago.. Now, he just announced the song to made do or don’t want be by your own. That’s quote by The Prince of Death Armike Menethil..

Posted by J.M.P

Monday, June 6, 2011

Young Chances!

“When You’re Young by Three Door Down and “Chances” by Five for Fighting is now part of Dreams & Chances album. These two songs what you remember two month ago.. But now chances are every where in the world..

According to Armike Menethil:
Two songs are inculcate in the 4th album to make memorable and emotional

He knows about people’s career-ending and That’s what he do…

Posted by J.M.P