Friday, October 21, 2011

#hashtags remix

If doing #hashtag on Twitter… That’s easy only you to do is press SHIFT on your keyboard and any names what they want too.. Since Armike took some time off for a week..The blogs will continue every week and every day according to Armike Menethil’s word. I SAY.

Posted by J.M.P

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dancing Cute School Girl

Armike Menethil still analyst about history’s happens but he also imagine with anime girls in cute version…… Here’s the photo of Yui’s cute dance ever:

Since she has excited in K-ON! series… Anna Menethil was cute, hot, nice and clumsy like Ayasaki Menethil’s girlfriend Asakura Mori.. However, Armike and his son are absolutely different relationship to them but within girls attract them occasionally… If only they were nice and peaceful father and son.. It’s a crazy episode…

Posted by J.M.P