Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mike Netz's Quotes #3

 “#RealThing or #GetReal

 — Netz’s catchphrase end of his sentence or someone gets his way as a threat

Mike Netz’s Quotes #2

“Here to Show the World with #RealThing”

— Mike Net make the world sharing with event of happening

Mike Netz’s Quotes #1

“#RealFrame or Be Frame”

— The quotes taken photo of Mike Net art Twitpic on Twitter

Saturday, February 4, 2012

#RealThing Era

It is an era of Twitter have seen before that Michael's catchphrase is #Realthing.. Ever since started on December 2011. He was God of Awesome in 2011 but now.. His confident on Twitter was doing search for all of hashtag by trending worldwide. For the his past, his present and his future will continuous the ways of the #RealThing.. In 2012. The quote will be continue with sentence or things happening in the end...

The Era of #RealThing will continuing trending worldwide by this year..

As I say That's #RealThing....

Posted by J.M.P

It's Our Chance for War

It’s Official!!! “This Means War” by Nickelback is part of Dreams & Chance album and also Theme for Elimination Chamber 2012…

ast Friday.. Armike feeling likeness of this song. The song writers has made choices of the song calls fight the freedom and battle of mayhem. If they make music video by someday from now..

Posted by J.M.P