Sunday, June 24, 2012

Reminder about Armike's upcoming 4th album


Armike's Dream & Chance Album is now into Dreams, Revolutions, and Changes Album..

It was originally last year named by Armike Menethil. he completed songs track include bouns and album photo but the problems is the name itself. All of because since last year the revolution in Middle East was started. So he decided rename it for his upcoming album.

6 of Dream & Chance songs are still on the lists. However, 6 listed songs are part of Dreams, Revolutions, and Changes Album with 7 new songs with 3 bonus tracks.

Other 7 of Dream & Chance listed songs are still with it. Actually He make new greatest hits compilation album for 7 of them... 

He announced the new greatest hits compilation album with other 7 of Dream & Chance songs will be releasing by September

That's our reminder

Posted by J.M.P

Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Blog Post Announcement

"First Blog Post will be July 6.."

The Day after grand opening of AK:Menethil-MP:Netz

Posted by J.M.P

The start of New Era of #RealThing and Revolution

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let the new era is about to begins by July 5 but still we haven’t able full-force Internet from this another system because this new computer make slow the net down….

So we keep you posting by tomorrow or next week about our current Tumblr blog.

It’s still remain standby since my 3 month absence

This blog needs some improvement for the era of Mike Netz’s #RealThing and Armike Menethil’s The
Instantly Revolution.

So The Universe and #RealUniverse, Be patient and We hope this new website blog will be finished anything soon..

Posted by J.M.P