Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mike Netz comments on US Elections 2012

Mr. #RealThing Mike Netz is talking about upcoming US  Elections 2012 on November 6. He feel ready for future votes if either US President Barack Obama or Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney.
Last Friday on Twitter. He commented about who’s he vote and ask Americans who’s ever to vote if they choose Obama or Romney:
#RealUniverse, I vote my LAMB for in November.. #RealThing ”
“Still waiting results. Understand This. At Nov. 6, 2012 at#USElectionDay Vote for #Obama or Vote for #Ronmey ”
“Use Hashtag either if you vote #Obama or #Ronmey until Presidential#USElectionDay starts and I’m ready for less than 3 weeks” - as Michael 
And by the way. Road to Elections has ticking the clock for voters in America.
Posted by J.M.P

Tonight is the (High)Night

“Tonight is the Night” by Jim Johnson is now part of Armike’s 4th upcoming album “Events & Highlights”. Despite the song is part of his new album. but again, still the song is hasn’t announced the official release yet.
We still keep you update about WWE Raw’s new theme song if WWE make announcement for releasing the song in next few or several weeks..
Posted by J.M.P

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Happy Birthday to Mr. #RealThing

It's Grand Birthday to The Master of #Showoff and Mr. #RealThing Michael Netz..

TO HERE TO SHOW THE WORLD what he stealing the damn SPOTLIGHT!!...

Posted by J.M.P

Upcoming 5th Album Name Revealed

Armike Menethil’s upcoming 5th album name called “Highlights & Events”. The new album will released by early 2013 and new 5 tracks song are also revealed as well..
Here’s are the new 5 album tracks of “Highlights & Events”
  • Shinedown - Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)
  • Charm City Devil - Unstoppable
  • Kevin Rudolf - Champions
  • Fozzy - Sandpaper
  • 3Oh3 - Do or Die
This tracks are completely in the album but 7 unknown track songs are not named yet. Make sure the future announcements of the 5th upcoming album will be waiting.
Posted by J.M.P