Tuesday, July 12, 2011

M:Pahati - A:Menethil has Redesign on Tumblr

Michael's and Armike's website has been redesign in 2 days ago.. This theme was created by Anthagio. He was one of theme designer in Tumblr at all time and now.

For this new design at right side.. right sidebar on top in violet, search button is blue, Twitter and Flickr are on the right side as well.

For the navigator on top.. color made in black but i put the four navigator links like same spot.

For the bottom.. page button highlight color in brown/red

For the link. it's current site direct move into another site and color in blue include Tweet Mentions and Hash.

And finishing touch is headers.. In the top you see i text and re-size wide and made in stick box also right side is picture of Lich King(Arthas).

Now that's Redesign.. AWESOME!!!

Posted by J.M.P

if you want see redesign M:Pahati - A:Menethil Tumblr Website go to  http://michaelarmike.tumblr.com/

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