Monday, August 15, 2011

Armike Reactions to Kevin Nash

Armike Menethil was shocked at Summerslam…He’s is in the WWE Universe to analyze the results.. There is unquestionable happens after CM Punk wins Undisputed WWE Championship and celebrate until Kevin Nash ambush Punk from behind then Alberto Del Rio cash in his Raw Money in the Bank contract and wins his first Undisputed WWE Championship. However, The Prince of Death’s reaction is kinda of not believe it and that’s of Nash’s actions.

Here’s the comment on his Twitter after Summerslam the reaction is?:

Why? Kevin Nash Why? - as Armike

Why kinda #summerslam is this?? - as Armike

Don’t understand… what the hell Nash attack PUnk before Del Rio cash in - as Armike

This #summerslam is totally unquestionable and worst happen ever - as Armike

Luck of worst happen in on tom night on RAW on USA

Posted by J.M.P

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