Friday, June 7, 2013

First Ever Photo Quote by Mike Netz:

Wiki: “They said She’s very highly intelligent and richest girl even attracts boys and girls not (actually she has few of them) ”   
MN: “I’m quotes will highly rare for insult for girls?? No, but still the t-shirt on the front and back. (STEAL THE SHOW AND YOUR GIRLFRIENDS)”
Wiki: “Sena and Yozura fight in cold war while they are members of Neighbor’s Club. Do anime fans see a catfight between these two??”
MN:  Real life… they do… In anime… they do…. If someone a fight over me?? Not my life… I’m still goddamn entertaining  always to be…  I was not like wear “STEAL SOMEBODIES GIRLFRIEND”. They should catfight right on the front of Hollywood spotlight”.. #NoOffense.” 
Wiki:  ”If male person try got her attention but he did that.  Boys attention for attractive while girls unlike (expect few of them while in few episodes of season 1 and full episodes of season 2).”
MN: ” Let’s just say I have unthinkable words…  if girls dislike her?!? Just create the switch turn into “STEAL YOUR GIRLFRIENDS” to “STEAL YOUR BOYFRIENDS”. That’s for girls not mines.. I am “The ShowStealing Every time  Every place, and, Every where” for whatever I takes.” 
WIki: Last quote. . Did you mention about Sena Kashiwazaki??
MN: “You have no idea what you mention about, Wiki.. She’s very smart, beautiful but sometimes arrogance to any female who love boys.. Same persons but difference life.. I’m arrogance person to my enemies who llike steal the show and to be the best..  That’s I do in and out of the ring..   It’s always be #DAMNGOOD everyday… #LATERMARK #SHOWOFF”
Wiki: Okay, that’s first ever Photo Quote.. See You in two or three weeks.. HAVE A NICE DAY!!”“
Posted by J.M.P

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