Friday, June 7, 2013

Night Until Fall

Armike’s upcoming fourth new album “Night It Up” will release by FALL 2013… Due to continuing the countdown of Kromestatik’s “The Night” EP album in several weeks as the fans still waiting for full version to come out on iTunes or maybe somewhere.
The Prince of Death has grown increasingly impatient about the song’s longer release in recent weeks.  However, he’s not said to the rant public about the band and eventually announced his album ‘s release..  
According to his word HE SAY:
“My fourth and new album was released by September or October 2013.. I was not frustrating against THEM.. This process what my music director saying about the band..   It’s not Careless to finding album release somewhere in years.. It’s about find the just one calendar day for a year and put all together in one album..  and also they can whatever their releases is for next year, next 2 years, or maybe next few years. That’s many musical artists does..”
In the words by the words..  he doesn’t care about waiting or when album release.. It’s up to them…
Posted by J.M.P

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